Trigger Deployments Directly From GitHub With DeployBot's New GitHub Action

It's an era of constant innovation and at DeployBot, we firmly believe in keeping up with the times. This is precisely why we're thrilled to introduce our recently launched GitHub Action! This new feature allows our users to initiate deployments directly from GitHub, thereby streamlining the deployment pipeline and introducing a new level of convenience.

If you’ve read this far, you’re probably a DeployBot user and familiar with version control systems, CI/CD, and other related topics. If not, we’ve compiled several beginner’s guides: Laravel, Digital Ocean, Ruby on Rails, Docker, Craft CMS, Ghost CMS, Google Web Starter Kit, Grunt or Gulp, Slack, Python, Heroku and many more.

Learn how to get started with DeployHQ here.

Simplifying Your Deployment Pipeline

We understand that the deployment process can become quite convoluted, with numerous steps that need to be followed meticulously. With the advent of our new GitHub Action, we aim to simplify these steps, effectively reducing the time taken for deployments.

By locating the deployment trigger within GitHub itself, we allow our users to initiate deployment without the need to switch between GitHub and DeployBot. This results in higher productivity levels and greater consistency across deployments.

What Is GitHub Action?

GitHub Actions facilitate the automatic execution of specific software development lifecycle (SDLC) tasks right within the GitHub repository. This could range from testing your code to delivering production-ready applications. Before our recent update, triggering a deployment meant a separate journey to DeployBot (using our API only).

With our most recent GitHub Action, you can now configure your GitHub repositories to trigger a deployment in DeployBot, directly from GitHub. This reduces the hassle of switching platforms and makes multitasking during deployments significantly easier.

How Does It Work?

The process is relatively straightforward. Once you've added the DeployBot's GitHub Action to your GitHub repository, you can trigger a new deployment with every push to your repository.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Add the GitHub Action - You can find the DeployBot GitHub Action by searching for "DeployBot" in the GitHub Actions Marketplace. Once you have located it, select 'Use latest version'.
  2. Configure Your Workflow - The next step entails the configuration of your workflow with DeployBot. This includes defining the environment to deploy to, the repository from which the code should be fetched, and the branch that must be used for deployment.
  3. Trigger Your Deployments - With the workflow defined, any subsequent push to the specified branch of your repository will automatically trigger a deployment in DeployBot.

This seamless integration makes it possible to keep your development and deployment environments synchronised, ensuring any changes made in your development environment are instantly reflected in your deployment environment.

Concluding Thoughts

We're confident that this game-changing GitHub Action will elevate your deployment experience with DeployBot. By integrating directly with GitHub, we're bringing the deployment trigger to where you, as developers, spend most of your time.

This is just the beginning! We are continually seeking new ways to simplify and enhance your software development and deployment experience. Stay tuned for more exciting updates.