Demystifying Branching Strategies: Understanding the Transition from Master to Main

In the world of software development, branching strategies play a crucial role in managing codebase changes and facilitating collaboration among teams. For years, the term "master" (or "trunk" on SVN/Mercurial) was widely used to represent the default branch in version control systems like Git. However, a discussion emerged around the potential negative connotations of this term. In this article, we will explore branching strategies, shed light on the master vs. main discussion, and delve into the transition from "master" to "main."

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Understanding Branching Strategies

Branching strategies provide a framework for organizing codebase changes and managing parallel development efforts. They allow developers to work on features, bug fixes, and improvements independently without disrupting the main codebase. Two popular branching strategies are:

  1. Feature Branching: Developers create separate branches for each feature or task they are working on. Once the task is completed, the branch is merged back into the main branch (e.g., master or main). This strategy provides isolation and allows for independent testing and reviewing of features.
  2. Gitflow: Gitflow is a comprehensive branching strategy that defines different branches for various purposes, including feature development, release preparation, and hotfixes. It employs branches like "feature," "develop," "release," and "hotfix" to manage the codebase throughout the development lifecycle.

The Discussion: Master vs. Main

The terminology surrounding the default branch in Git repositories has been a subject of debate within the software development community. The term "master" has historically been used to represent the default branch. However, concerns were raised regarding the potential racial and historical implications associated with the term.

The word "master" has connections to slavery and oppressive systems, and its continued usage in the context of version control systems was seen as perpetuating these negative connotations. Consequently, many developers and organizations started considering alternatives to the term "master."

The Transition to "Main"

In response to the discussion, a significant shift occurred within the development community, with many projects and organizations transitioning from using "master" to "main" as the default branch name. This change aimed to promote inclusivity and diversity within the tech industry by adopting terminology that is free from historical baggage.

The transition from "master" to "main" involved updating repository configurations, tools, documentation, and development workflows. While the technical process was relatively straightforward, it required coordination and adjustment across the entire development ecosystem to ensure a smooth transition.

Benefits of the Transition

The transition from "master" to "main" goes beyond symbolic change; it signifies a commitment to creating a more inclusive environment in the software development community. The benefits of this transition include:

  1. Promoting Inclusivity: By eliminating potentially offensive language, development teams aim to create a more welcoming and diverse atmosphere where all contributors feel valued and respected.
  2. Aligning with Industry Trends: The change to "main" aligns with industry-wide movements promoting equality and fairness in technology. It demonstrates a willingness to adapt to evolving social norms and expectations.
  3. Encouraging Positive Change: The transition sparked broader conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion within the tech industry, pushing organizations to reevaluate their practices and foster more inclusive communities.

That's why the DeployBot team supports the "main" branch name usage. For more info about this topic, Martin Fowler explains it in more detail here.


Branching strategies are essential tools in managing codebase changes and collaboration in software development. The transition from "master" to "main" branch represents a significant shift in terminology, aiming to create a more inclusive environment. By understanding branching strategies and embracing terminology changes, development teams can contribute to building a more diverse and equitable tech community.